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Sleeping Dogs

as told by Cathy Husid-Shamir

I received three photos from friends in the last 24 hours of their sleeping dogs. Now, my friends know I love their dogs, but they don't send me photos every waking moment. The first one was from my friend Melissa. It came in on my phone, this picture of her delicious sleeping dog, Raina, and as I'm showing my husband, boom, in comes a photo of my friend Andrea's dog, Cowboy. It was getting late, so I shut my phone off and went to bed early. I got up the next morning, and the first message that comes in is your photo of Angel, tucked under the covers, snoring away. So I'm just kind of thinking about this in a fun way, wondering what the message is. I think, okay, my friends think of me when they see their dogs sleeping. Maybe I need to take more naps? I go about my day, thinking about it and then sort of forgetting about it. That night, we were watching Tyler Henry the Hollywood medium, and afterwards, while I was in the shower, it occurred to me that tomorrow would be Peavi's birthday. Peavi was my cocker spaniel who would have been 27 this year. When she was dying, I visited an Animal Communicator. Whether or not we believe what the Animal Communicator said, she told me something helpful at the time. That Peavi stayed in the spirit world because her job was to help other doggies transition from this world to the next. She's sort of a saint, working both sides, helping people. As I'm remembering this in the shower, it starts to make sense. I think, oh my goodness, of course I am getting these photos today. It's Peavi telling me, "I am peaceful, I am resting at peace. I am happy." Because every time I looked at those friends' pictures, I felt happy. There is nothing more delicious to me than a peaceful, sleeping, happy dog. I think this insight was very true to our relationship. Peavi would give me these wonderful gifts of joy.

Whether it's true or not, I'm keeping it.

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